Exploring Aesthetic Patterns Of High-Temperature ColourGlaze Modern Ceramic In China


  • Duyue City University Malaysia
  • Fauzi Naeim Universiti Kuala Lumpur
  • Xiong Minhe Shangrao Normal University


High-Temperature Colour Glaze, Painting Performance, Schema Construction


The presentation of modern high-temperature colored glaze painting schema is basically the original schema and artistic concept of Chinese and Western art, which is reorganized under the reference. Exploring the logical starting point of constructing the modern high-temperature colored glaze painting schema is actually the expansion and construction of the "self-nature" of the unique material and craft beauty of high-temperature colored glaze. With this unique aesthetic element, modern high temperature color glaze painting embodies two aspects of aesthetic value in the creation process. First, the unique composition elements of the ceramic material itself, showing an independent aesthetic feeling; The second is the application of materials and media related to high temperature color glaze painting, and the formal beauty law conveyed through the ceramic production process in the schema construction. Through the comparative study of Chinese and Western painting theories and modern typical high-temperature painting works, combined with the production practice of high-temperature painting decoration technology, this paper defines the aesthetic experience of high-temperature painting decoration independent of any other painting forms. In a sense, the expression of this aesthetic experience has broken away from any inherent schema and image constraints, and has become the logical starting point for the reconstruction of the schema of modern high-temperature colored glaze painting.



