Kajian Persepsi Peserta Kursus Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH) Terhadap Latihan Khas (Kluster Pengkomputeran) di Kolej Komuniti Masjid Tanah Melaka
Clustered Computer Program Special Training is one of the special course organized by Masjid Tanah Community College (KKMT) that highly on demand by the local community. In order to ensure that KKMT fulfil the participants’ satisfaction, a research was conducted to identify the level of participants’ perception towards this particular training based on gender. Data collected from 111 participants in this research were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Software version 23.0 (SPSS) to obtain mean scores, T-tests and Pearson correlation results. For the purpose of the study, questionnaire developed by the Centre for Research, Innovation and Commercialization of the Department of Education and Community College was adopted as the data collection instrument. The result shows that participants’ perceptions of all aspects were high with a mean score of 4.05 and gender p-value > 0.05, indicating that gender factors did not influence participants' perceptions of the course. Thus, correlation value indicates that there is a weak relationship between participants' perceptions towards this course based on gender. Hence, the outcome of the study reveals that the training course is positively perceived by the participants on the educational, social, economy and community leadership’s aspects regardless of genders. Therefore, a future study in the same area can be conducted to identify whether other attributes such as participants’ age can influence their perception towards the course.