Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities https://app.mypolycc.edu.my/journal/index.php/PMJSSH <p align="justify">Politeknik &amp; Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (PMJSSH) is an open access journal. The journal aims to provide an international platform for the presentation of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in the area of<strong> social sciences and humanities</strong>.</p> <p>The scopes of the journal include but not limited to the followings areas:</p> <ul> <li>Social Sciences</li> <li>Arts &amp; Humanities</li> <li>Technical and Vocational <span tabindex="0" role="tooltip"><span class="c5aZPb" tabindex="0" role="button" data-enable-toggle-animation="true" data-extra-container-classes="ZLo7Eb" data-hover-hide-delay="1000" data-hover-open-delay="500" data-send-open-event="true" data-theme="0" data-width="250" data-ved="2ahUKEwjVvJPtpaH-AhXOnGMGHUENB7oQmpgGegQIFBAD"><span class="JPfdse" data-bubble-link="" data-segment-text="Education">Education</span></span></span> and Training</li> </ul> <p align="justify">Articles which describe the theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of multi-disciplinary techniques from other disciplines. Articles of carefully executed experimental work, which is soundly interpreted, are also welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results which have generic significance.</p> <p align="justify">This journal is indexed by <a href="https://myjurnal.mohe.gov.my/public/browse-journal-view.php?id=1014" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>MyJurnal</u></a>, <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tYRzhtMAAAAJ&amp;hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Google Scholar</u></a> and <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/0128-2875" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>ROAD</u></a></p> en-US journalpmjssh@mohe.gov.my (Sharifah Nurulhuda Tuan Mohd Yasin ) journalpmjssh@mohe.gov.my (Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti) Mon, 03 Feb 2025 16:33:21 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Leadership Styles and Challenges in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions https://app.mypolycc.edu.my/journal/index.php/PMJSSH/article/view/680 <p>In the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) era, leadership has been acknowledged as vital in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to produce holistic human capital and highly skilled future talent. Therefore, TVET institutions' leaders must become great leaders in order to train and develop future leaders and adapt to new technologies and global challenges. TVET leaders can practice various leadership styles to achieve organisational goals. A systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the leadership styles and challenges in TVET institutions. 21 research articles from multiple digital sources have been selected for this study to analyse the leadership in TVET. The findings of this study pointed out different leadership styles such as Transformational Leadership, Distributed Leadership, and Innovative Leadership. This paper also highlighted the leadership challenges faced by the TVET leaders in this IR 4.0 era such as change management, disruptive technology, and stakeholder collaboration. These findings are then proposed as a framework for developing TVET leaders’ professional competency in the IR 4.0 era.</p> M. R. Mohd Khalid; F.M. Noor Copyright (c) 2024 Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://app.mypolycc.edu.my/journal/index.php/PMJSSH/article/view/680 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800