Kajian Tinjauan Keberkesanan Promosi Kursus Pendek Di Kolej Komuniti Segamat 2


  • Suhailie Daud Kolej Komuniti Segamat 2
  • Siti Norsiah Ahmad Kolej Komuniti Segamat 2
  • Rasidah Mohd Zohor Kolej Komuniti Segamat 2


"The Lifelong Learning Unit (PSH) is a unit that offers and promotes short-term courses at Segamat 2 Community College to the local community." Based on the above statement, various methods have been implemented to deliver the course information so that it can be disseminated to the community. This study was a survey to study the effectiveness of short course promotion at Segamat Community College 2. The design of the study was conducted using a descriptive survey method using mean descriptive statistics to measure the level of respondents' reflection. The instrument used is a questionnaire distributed to 56 participants from various course clusters. The questionnaire consists of four parts: Part A is the respondent's demographic information, part B is related to the dissemination of course information to the participants, part C is the method of selecting the selected course participants and part D is the course's preferred course category. The research instrument used is a set of questionnaires covering 27 items using Likert scale. From the analysis, it is found that the reliability of the instrument is α = 0.874. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.0. Overall, the findings show that most participants receive information related to the course offered through friends and relatives. However, the tendency of the participants to be more motivated to rebuild the place via the whatsapp group. The use of technology today plays a role in promoting short courses to the community.


