Kajian Persepsi Peserta Latihan Khas Kluster Pengkomputeran berdasarkan umur dan pendapatan.
The particular perceptions are studied to verify the Special Training Course (Computing Clusters) ability to contribute in producing a skilful society in education, social, economic and community leadership. The objectives of the study are to identify differences and correlations of perceptions based on the participants age and income. 111 respondents were involved in this study consisting of teenagers, youth and adults and the data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Software version 23.0 for the correlation values and one-way ANOVA test outcome. The results show that there is a significant differences in participants’ perceptions based on age in which significant values exist for all aspects of education, social, economic and community leadership. However, the correlation between educational, social, economic, community leadership perceptions and age of the participants is at an improvision level. This indicates that the implementations of Special Training (Computing Cluster) at Masjid Tanah Community College provides a massive and significant differences in the aspects of education, social, economic and community leadership aspects based on the age of the participants. At the same point, based on income level, the results show significant differences in aspects of education, economy and community leadership. The results of the study reveal that the objective scope of the special training course sholud regard the main demand of participants participations to ensure that the requirement of participants in the course are encountered.
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