Kajian Keberkesanan Azadiracta indica Sebagai Kawalan Perosak dalam Penanaman Capsicum sp.
This year is the most challenging year all over the world. As the Covid-19 virus strike all over Malaysia, Movement Control Order (MCO) command was carried out and agriculture at home emerged as a new popular hobby. They choose to use organic pest control that proves to be safer on health and save to be consume directly. This study was done to examine the effectiveness of using Azadiracta indica (Ai) as organic pest control in Capsicum sp. cultivation. An experimental study (Truth Experimental) was conducted at the Fertigation Research Centre of Masjid Tanah Community College (KKMT). A total of 300 Capsicum sp. crops were planted using the Randomize Custom Block Design (RCBD) method and observations were carried out for 12 weeks. The research population is divided into three replications and each replication is divided into four treatment methods namely (R1, R2, R3 and R4). Each replication is taken 10% of the total population by random sampling. R1 uses control treatment, R2 uses organic control of Ai mixture, R3 using chemical mixture control while R4 has a mixture of both organic and chemical control. The study population was cultivated in open environment and physical observation data of Capsicum sp. shoots were taken every two weeks. The results of the analysis using one-way Anova to all four treatment methods found there were significant differences between R1, R2, R3 and R4.
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