Stacking Sequence Optimization of Sugarcane Bagasse/Glass Laminate Composite Cured with Vacuum Infusion


  • Abdullah Atiq Arifin Politeknik Tun Syed Nasir


hybrid composite, bagasse fiber, mechanical properties, water absorption.


The rising concern on environmental issues have led to an increased interest in composite field to look for new alternatives replacement of synthetic fiber or at least reduce their volume by filled with natural fibers. Despite of their advantages, poor compatibility between fiber and matrix and the relative high moisture absorption of natural fiber are main issue to be resolved before applying on real structural applications. Therefore, present work are aim focusing to study the optimization properties of hybrid bagasse/glass laminate for three different stacking sequence configuration of [450C/450C/600W/B/600W/450C/450C], [600W/450C/450C/B/450C/450C/600W] and [450C/600C/450C/B/450C/600C/450C].

Short bagasse fiber are prepared and was chemical treated with 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentration to reduce lignin before dried to form bagasse mat. All laminates with three different stacking sequence then are fabricated using vacuum infusion process and are tested to determine their mechanical and water absorption properties. In addition, the flowbility and formability of hybrid bagasse/glass composite are also observed. Results show hybrid bagasse          composite          laminate          with           stacking          sequence of [450C/450C/600W/B/600W/450C/450C] gave highest tensile strength values of 13.51 kN. In contrast, laminate with stacking sequence of [600W/450C/450C/B/450C/450C/600W] show highest impact toughness value of 108.5 J. Furthermore, hybrid laminate with stacking sequence of W600/450/450/B/450/450/W600 also show highest water absorption resistance with only 0.53% water intake value for 14 days tested period. This low value moisture resistance percentage give fact hybrid composite bagasse/glass laminate are comparable to those conventional fiberglass composite and able to extend to application to marine structural application.




How to Cite

A. A. Arifin, “Stacking Sequence Optimization of Sugarcane Bagasse/Glass Laminate Composite Cured with Vacuum Infusion”, Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 81–87, Nov. 2020, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: