The Development of Cotton-Wooly Decompression Machine with Custom-made Raking Blade operated by Electrical Motor


  • Tengku Azman Tengku Mohd Politeknik Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
  • Radiah Che Su Politeknik Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
  • Suzana Mohd Ali Politeknik Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
  • Mazuki Salim Politeknik Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu


cotton-woolly, synthetic, decompression machine, raking blade, electrical motor


In textile small-medium enterprises and micro companies that run a business of production
and supplying mattresses, a synthetic cotton (cotton-woolly) is a better alternative instead
of organic cotton in order to reduce the cost. However in certain conditions, the company
needs to additionally process the cotton-woollies in order to get the fluffy property, suitable
for mattress substance. A case study in NMH Production & Creation verified that the
company managed to decompress only 20% of their per-day-capacity of mattress
production (2-3 mattresses per-day) by using a modified cow-food crusher machine. A
specific decompression machine; Cotton-Woolly Decompression Machine was proposed by
Politeknik Kuala Terengganu researchers with custom-made raking blade and operated by
7.5hp electrical motor which estimated to been completely developed within six months.
This machine is expected to daily produce 250 to 300 kg of processed cotton-woollies (10-15
mattresses per-day) which exceeds the company per-day requirement. The safety and
efficiency of the machine were also been considered by including a closed-body frame to
avoid direct contact to the blades and a control panel with labels in the design.




How to Cite

T. A. Tengku Mohd, R. Che Su, S. Mohd Ali, and M. Salim, “The Development of Cotton-Wooly Decompression Machine with Custom-made Raking Blade operated by Electrical Motor”, Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 4, no. Special Issue, pp. 131–137, Jan. 2019, Accessed: Apr. 01, 2025. [Online]. Available: