Development of Thermoelectric Generator Kit Inquiry-Based Lessons and Activities for Malaysia Primary Students


  • Khoon Keat Chow Kolej Komuniti Sungai Siput, Perak
  • Ngah Sie Tan SJK C Pasir Pinji, Ipoh, Perak


energy harvesting, thermoelectric generator, inquiry-based lessons and activities


Parallel to the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), the Standard Based Curriculum for Primary School (KSSR) Science subject-based teaching and learning method urgently need be revised. The new curriculum should be promoted the student-centred instruction with a greater emphasis on problem-solving, project-based assignments, subject updates, and formative evaluations. Based on the physical science theme of the Standard Five Science curriculum, which comprises of four sub-topics including energy, the nature of light, electricity, and heat. There is the possibility of combining three subtopics (energy, electrical, and heat) into a single subtopic known as energy harvesting from the environment's waste such as heat waste and mechanical energy waste (eg. vibration waste). A development of thermoelectric generator kit for teaching and learning about energy harvesting from heat waste to electrical energy will be based on a simple experiment setup. At the end of the experiment, students will be instructed on energy harvesting from the environment that satisfies the world demand for energy without placing them at risk of expiration and may be reused.




How to Cite

K. K. Chow and N. S. Tan, “Development of Thermoelectric Generator Kit Inquiry-Based Lessons and Activities for Malaysia Primary Students”, Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 94–100, Nov. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: